6-8 December 2013 Aberystwyth Storytelling Festival

Details are now available for Festival 2013!

Valériane Leblond is the artist who painted the picture of a Welsh cottage that is used in the festival poster and website.

Valériane Leblond is the artist who painted the picture of a Welsh cottage that is used in the festival poster and website.

We are thrilled to bring you details of our third annual Aberystwyth Storytelling Festival, which will run from 6-8th December 2013 in the Aberystwyth Arts Centre. Please see the festival website for more information.

Aberystwyth Storytelling Festival

Well, as the date nears (30 Nov – 2 Dec), we have been very busy. See our shiny new website http://aberstoryfestival.wordpress.com/

I was going to tell you about all the great stories for adults and kids, puppets, fairies, kings, corpses, knights, a most unusual bear, fairy tales, classical tales, stories from Brittany, improvisational performances, art films, rare old fairy tale films, workshops to save the planet, music from the Celtic world, from India, from the imaginations of the strangest and most creative minds in Wales, from the gentle and dark side of the folk scene, fiddle, hurdy gurdy, sitar, djembe, live French and Breton music that will dance you into another world (yes, there is dancing), but it all seemed too much, really.

You’ll just have to look at the website for details and plan your weekend yourself.

All I can say is, you might get an opportunity to meet Rrose Sélavy in person and do something surreal.

And fairy cakes. Rumour has it there will be fairy cakes.

Let the fest begin!

Aberystwyth Storytelling Festival

The new website is almost complete! Have a look at the fantastic programme and performer biographies for the Aberystwyth Storytelling Festival 2-4 December 2011 at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre.


Everything from Stories from Brittany (and a Fest Noz dance), Late Night Cabaret, Caribbean Spook tales and more. Events for kids and adults, many of the daytime events are free of charge.